Thursday, September 2, 2010

Close-Minded and Living in the Dark Ages?

The following is a debate which took place on a social network between myself and and a guy named Mike with some input from others... 

aDaughterOfYaHWeH: “It’s not surprising that someone like a Mr. Beck is able to stir up a certain portion of [the American people]. … That’s been true throughout our history,” - Obama ... Really??? I love the implied spin on how it's only the right-wing extremests that Beck appeals to when in reality, if you view things from an unbiased point of view, there is a political shift taking place!

                Mike: I am pretty non-partisan and I do not really consider myself and Glen Beck to be on the same plane of political existence. I am not saying Obama is non-partisan, just that I really do not consider Glen to be balanced.

Well, just yesterday on his show (see video link below for a 20 section of the show) he criticized BOTH GW Bush and Obama. He pointed out the errors that BOTH sides have made and took the middle ground and showed the error and mistakes that have been made by both Republicans and Democrats that have resulted in the current economic crisis... Honestly if you have a deep conviction of the importance of strict constuctionism and the study of the founding fathers and their ORIGINAL intent (not political spin that wants to rewrite history) then I don't see how you can not like, he literally teaches US History (my passion, so I'm very knowledgeable on the topic and glad someone ids out there taking the risk to teach the TRUTH about our history!) to the people, he is simply using his God-given talents to "restore honor" to America.America has literally nearly lost all of the honor and characteristics that once made us a great nation thanks to the progressives and their mission to establish revisionist history as "truth" and make the people believe their lies. You tell people lies consistently over a period of time they will begin to think they're truth, examples Soviet Union, Hitler's Germany, etc. That's why I am so happy someone is putting themselves out there to face persecution in order to shout the truth in hopes of preserving truth and liberty!
Well I personally have always favored European history. But what I can say here, as I sip my Scottish Whiskey is that I too believe in a strictly enforced constitution, even amendments such as the second which I do not personally believe in but should be upheld to support the overall document.
However, I do not feel the personal beliefs of the founding fathers are not relevant since they are their personal beliefs and would have inserted them into the constitution themselves had they thought we should follow them as a country.
I am not sure what lies you are referring to about Hitler since he was pretty clear about most everything in Mein Kampf. So I would place that whole situation as a society wrapped up in reactionary thought, nationalism, and an economic crises; similar to post 911 but by no means a equal comparison.
Lastly, just because someone criticizes people of both parties by no means makes them non-partisan or lacking bias. A person can be so one sided or radical to where they will support whatever party suits single that belief, or support none at all to uphold that belief.


aDaughterofYaHWeH: Lies from Hitler, haha well the whole ideology of Jews being a danger to society -- People literally feared Jews, Homosexuals, mentally disabled, etc because they were told through propaganda that they were "stealing" from the people and were corrupting the society... Holocaust History is another one of my passions, I have done deep studies on it as well as European History -- which I have studied from a young age because I grew up traveling over the entire continent of europe as I sipped my espresso at a sidewalk cafe! History from all ages teaches us things about people in general, the fall of great societies such as Greece, Rome, etc all have patterns that can be reflected upon for understanding cycles of societies and empires. ... Non-partisan is, for most people, simply a way of "not offending" people by not holding on to a core beliefs system... Like the person that says they believe in a higher power but they just don't think any religion has it figured out, so they believe in a "higher power" but they are a non-conformist.... I don't care what you believe as long as you have the backbone to stand up for what you believe in instead of cop'n out and taking the non-partisan route.... I technically would be "non-partisan" because I don't agree with either side on certain subjects and have my core beliefs and really I consider myself a "strict-constructionist." That being said, for voting purposes and such I am a registered Republican, because some polls and such only accept Dems or repubs and not indep. For the most part I have similarities to the GOP and many of the candidates support the important issues I believe in, not always because no one is perfect, but for the most part. Anyway I'm peace'n out I have to go ..... END OF DISCUSSION! It is pointless to debate, I'm not compromising my beliefs so there is no point in further arguing!

                Mike: Well I could not lock you down in debate or dislike your beliefs. But when a person shuts down to various viewpoints and ideas they close their mind to the world may again enter the dark ages. For debate between two open minds is the way to find truth and a better world.

“Compromise, if not the spice of life, is its solidity. It is what makes nations great and marriages happy.”

                aDaughterofYaHWeH: I'm not closing down my mind .... Truth never waivers, it is not "debatable" and it can't be compromised, once compromised it no longer remains truth, simply an idea. Many of my political views are direct relation to my religious views. And I guess if I simply believed in the Christian God, because that's what I had been taught and read about my whole life and he was nothing more than a story or idea like many other past religions then I could have an open mind to debate because I wouldn't have a conviction of what truth is in my heart, I would still be searching. But when you have seen supernatural things -- people's limbs grow where they were missing, people healed of terminal cancer where the doctors atate they cannont explain it scientifically it must be a miracle, deaf people regain their hearing, the blind see, etc .... You begin to realize there really is truth and it isn't something that can be debated, that is why I am so firm in my beliefs.... 
And really, I hate the term "open-minded" because it doesn't REALLY mean being open minded, it means being open to everything utside of christianity and conservatism.... And people who claim to be "open-minded" aren't really... Yeah they're open to islam, buddhism, new age, atheism, liberation theology, communism, socialism, liberalism, etc BUT they're not really open to conservative and judeo-christian ideologies. One of my closest friends is an extreme liberal, so it is not that I hate the other side I just hate the beliefs not the people...And I have discussions with my friends, but I really don't know you and you're not going to change, I'm not going to change and really you obviously just like the spirit of debate and it has nothing to do with open-mindedness, if you really were open-minded you wouldn't have said anything and you would accept my views as my right to believe the way I want and feel convicted to believe and not make hypocritical judgements of me as being "close-minded" and living in the "dark ages" because I simply don't want to waste my day talking to someone who is simply a fb "friend" and not someone I have a personal relationship with. I have class and must go. I'm done with this conversation I have much better things to do with my day!

                Shay: To bring closure to this debate which has reached the atrocious depths of ad hominem, might I state that It is aDaughterOfYaWHeH's right to believe what she wants and state those beliefs. It is protected under the First Amendment. Her statement was general and not directed toward any single person. It is simply her beliefs. And Yes, she does hold to her beliefs and is not easily swayed.
Might I also say that...technically... every person is "close minded" who holds to any truths. Whoever believes in something and hold to that belief (whether their belief "accepts" that of others or rejects that of others) is "close minded." We accept your right, Mike, to state your beliefs. You must also accept ours.

In closing, I will state that... Glenn Beck is a genius!!!! :)

                Mike: I am not sure what I said that would make you think that I would not change my mind or be closed minded, in itself that would be contradictory towards my open minded belief. :)

Any who, I think this is a great discussion that shows a lot abo ut our country and different view points within its borders so I am making it a post on Facebook. Even if you did not enjoy this short time out of your day discussing, I sure did and do not consider it at all a waste. Learning about others is not only a key part of society but also religion (even though I am not totally sure how religion was brought into it.

                Tommy: Beck considers himself an entertainer and is more focused on ratings than truth

                Lars: Well, as I've always asserted, the best thing about this country is that we can have these kind of debates and look, no one's busting down our doors. No one's bringing us to the gallows because of our differences of opinion. The First Amendment pretty much kicks ass.

Now, that being said, by putting out beliefs in a political forum such as Facebook, you are opening yourself and your thoughts up for debate. The First Amendment that protects your right to freedom of speech and opinion also protects those who do not agree with you to voice their opinion as well. I know you're not trying to stir stuff up, Jess:) But if it's out there on this vast social network, people are going to take notice and people are going to disagree, and that's just the price of political and social freedom.

I agree with Tommy, though. Anyone on cable news is just in it for ratings. That's not just directed at Glenn Beck. Everyone on Fox News, Headline News, msNBC; they're all guilty of sensationalism and need to be taken with the grain of salt...a MASSIVE grain of salt. News media no longer reports news, but instead reports things that will scare the crap out of their viewers in order to make them watch more and buy more and consume more.

Fear, not love or kindness or peace, sells more in the end. It's a sad thing to say, but that's the truth. News agencies figured that out years ago. Why aren't there any more "slow news" days, where things are just ok and there's nothing to report but a local bingo game? Because "slow news" days don't draw viewers and don't sell ads.

Yes, things aren't terrific right now, but this is in no way the worst time in our country that it's being made out to be. The worst time would be during the Great Depression, or any of the World Wars or during attacks on our soil, or when minorities were segregated in our country (a fight that we are still facing today), or when a hurricane exposed the gross misconduct of our leaders and turned part of our country into the Third World.

Times are tough, and they're going to get tougher if we keep focusing on the negatives. If you act the part long enough, then you will eventually become the part. It's time to turn down the pundits microphones and find something worth listening to.

                aDaughterofYaHWeH: Well spoken Lars, Thanks for being eloquent! ;)

                Shay: I concur! Kudos to Lars! lol

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