Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Obama Talking Points for the Media

"I'll tell you something else about these elections. This election today, all of these elections are precisely why Obama and everybody wanted to get this health care done before the August recess, so that they'd be able to go to these elections and claim some big achievement, but they were unable to do that and if these elections go total Republican today, it should be a nail in the coffin of Obamacare. This is what they knew all along. I said on Fox News Sunday, every day I get up and I feel like I'm in the trenches of a war. No bullets being fired, but it's just every day you get up and there is another assault on liberty and freedom and the founding of this country, every day. It never stops. So people have been asking me for my predictions.

Now the predictions. I'm not going to predict the races. I'm going to predict the media to you, because I've already got examples of it in the audio sound bite roster here and a couple of news stories. The media tonight and tomorrow are going to be working hard, my friends, to deliver you not the news but Obama talking points about this election as in ABC Radio News just 15 minutes ago: White House insisting that these governor's races should not be seen as judgment on the White House. That's ABC falling right in line, CNN has, too. First, there's Virginia. Whatever the vote totals in Virginia, the State-Controlled Media will report that the turnout was not as big as expected, that the vote for the Republicans and against the Democrats was not as big as expected, and besides, everybody knew that the Republicans would win. It's no surprise. The White House even knew it. Why, the White House threw this guy Creigh Deeds under the bus a couple weeks ago. The White House knew he ran a lousy campaign.

You could just see this coming, mark my words. We knew that the Republicans would win because the Democrat governor was so poor, he was so inept, he dismissed early offers by the Obama team for help, he was a goner from the moment the general election began. So the State-Controlled Media will say Virginia stands for nothing, just ignore it. I predict to you that will be the outcome; that will be the media spin. I know these people, folks, I know them. You know I know them. That will be how they spin Virginia." - Rush Limbaugh

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